<< WIN Franzis DENOISE projects 3 professional 3.32.03498 (x64) Multilingual Portable
Franzis DENOISE projects 3 professional 3.32.03498 (x64) Multilingual Portable
Category Applications
GenreSystem software
Date 5 years, 1 month
Size 106.14 MB
Spotted with Spotnet
Website SexBook
Sender Force4Fun (ffImuA)
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Post Description

Nothing spoils pictures more than annoying picture noise. This often applies to unique and unrepeatable shots such as snapshots, event or sports photography, but also in specialized areas such as astrophotography. DENOISE projects 3 professional analyzes every shot and automatically removes all seven types of noise.

• Removes all seven types of noise
• NEW: Significantly improved accuracy in automatic noise removal
• NEW: Three quality modes for image noise
• NEW: Extended correction range from ISO 10 to ISO 5,000,000
• NEW Advanced features in noise-stacking module
• Flexible: can be used as a stand-alone or plug-in

New Features:
• Noiseless photos in the high ISO range
• Individual calculation of the optimum de-noise process for each photo
• NEW: Significantly improved accuracy in automatic noise removal
• NEW: Extended correction range from ISO 10 to ISO 5,000,000
• NEW: Advanced functions in the noise-stacking module
• NEW: 173 presets for different images
• NEW: Composing in the Selective Drawing area
• NEW: 16 new post-processing filters and 6 new smartmask filters
• NEW: 23 new level billing methods

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