<< x264HD The Murder Tapes S01E05 Dont Go In There 1080p
The Murder Tapes S01E05 Dont Go In There 1080p
Category Image
LanguageNo subtitles
LanguageEnglish audio/written
GenreTrue story
Date 3 years, 1 month
Size 2.18 GB
Spotted with Spotnet
Website SexBook
Sender TarkusTWS (zBjc6A)
Searchengine Search
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Post Description

Homicide investigations unfold through taped footage in Investigation Discovery's true-crime series The Murder Tapes. The series provides an up-close perspective of murder cases, including footage from the initial crime scene investigations via body cam, home security tapes, and interrogation room tapes. The footage is interwoven with present-day interviews from friends, family and law enforcement directly involved in the investigations.


Don't Go in There

Beverly Puccio is found murdered in her home, and her ex-boyfriend is pegged as the culprit. He displays odd behavior when the police arrive to investigate, leaving them to question the true identity of her murderer. Bodycam video, original audio, and interrogation room footage show detectives swiftly piecing together the last night of Beverly's life. They track her encounter with a mysterious stranger at a bar, their flirtatious time together, and their cab ride toward her home. Detectives also discover additional clues that lead them to the identity of the mystery ...

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