<< MP3 Edward Lee - City Infernal 1 - City Infernal
Edward Lee - City Infernal 1 - City Infernal
Category Sound
Date 6 years, 6 months
Size 252.29 MB
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Website SexBook
Sender ThePingPong (CX3x2g)
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Post Description

General Information
Title: City Infernal
Author: Edward Lee
Read By: Michael T. Bradley
Copyright: 2017
Audiobook Copyright: 2017
Genre: Audiobook
Publisher: Necro Publications
Duration: 8 hours, 34 minutes, 19 seconds
Chapters: 22

Media Information
Source Format: Audible AAX
Source Sample Rate: 22050 Hz
Source Channels: 2
Source Bitrate: 63 kbits

Lossless Encode: No
Encoded Codec: LAME MP3
Encoded Sample Rate: 22050 Hz
Encoded Channels: 2
Encoded Bitrate: 64 kbits

Ripper: inAudible 1.97

Book Description
When Cassie's twin sister, Lissa, commits suicide, Cassie discovers she can travel to Hell to retrieve her sister's soul. Cassie thought she knew all about the Hell of legend, but finds Hell has evolved over the millennia into a bustling city full of the damned with looming skyscrapers, crowded streets, systemized evil, and atrocity as the status quo.
Hell is a city. It stretches, literally, without end-a labyrinth of smoke and waking nightmare. Just as endlessly, sewer grates belch flame from the sulfur fires that have raged beneath the streets for millennia. Clock towers spire in every district, by public law, but their faces have no hands

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