<< ePub McGowan, Michael R - Ghost- My Thirty Years As An FBI Undercover Agent
McGowan, Michael R - Ghost- My Thirty Years As An FBI Undercover Agent
Category Image
LanguageEnglish audio/written
GenreTrue story
Date 3 years, 4 months
Size 3.4 MB
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Website SexBook
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Post Description

The explosive memoir of an FBI field operative who has worked more undercover cases than anyone in history.

Within FBI field operative circles, groups of people known as "Special" by their titles alone, Michael McGowan is an outlier. 10% of FBI Special Agents are trained and certified to work undercover. A quarter of those agents have worked more than one undercover assignment in their careers. And of those, less than 10% of them have been involved in more than five undercover cases. Over the course of his career, McGowan has worked more than 50 undercover cases.

In this extraordinary and unprecedented book, McGowan will take readers through some of his biggest cases, from international drug busts, to the Russian and Italian mobs, to corrupt unions and SWAT work. Ghost is an unparalleled view into how the FBI, through the courage of its undercover Special Agents, nails the bad guys. McGowan infiltrates groups at home and abroad,...

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