<< ePub Jon Fasman - We See It All- Liberty and Justice in an Age of Perpetual Surveillance
Jon Fasman - We See It All- Liberty and Justice in an Age of Perpetual Surveillance
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LanguageEnglish audio/written
Date 3 years, 5 months
Size 836 KB
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Post Description

Jon Fasman - We See It All- Liberty and Justice in an Age of Perpetual Surveillance

An investigation into the legal, political, and moral issues surrounding how the police and justice system use surveillance technology, asking the question: what are citizens of a free country willing to tolerate in the name of public safety?
The police now have unparalleled power at their fingertips: surveillance technology. Seamless, persistent, even permanent surveillance is available - sometimes already deployed, sometimes waiting for the right excuse. Automatic license-plate readers allow police to amass a granular record of where people go, when, and for how long. Drones give police eyes—and possibly weapons—in the skies. Facial recognition poses perhaps the most dire and lasting threat than any other technology. Algorithms purport to predict where and when crime will occur, and how big a risk a suspect has of re-offending. Tools can crack a device's encryption keys, rending all privacy protections useless.
Embedding himself with both police and...

Aardig actueel....

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