<< x264HD Kagemusha 1980 1080p Criterion Bluray x264-GCJM
Kagemusha 1980 1080p Criterion Bluray x264-GCJM
Category Image
Date 3 years, 3 months
Size 15.29 GB
Spotted with Spotnet
Website SexBook
Sender ThePingPong (CX3x2g)
Tag PingPong
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Number of spamreports 0

Post Description

Akira Kurosawa's lauded feudal epic presents the tale of a petty thief who is recruited to impersonate Shingen, an aging warlord, in order to avoid attacks by competing clans. When Shingen dies, his generals reluctantly agree to have the impostor take over as the powerful ruler. He soon begins to appreciate life as Shingen, but his commitment to the role is tested when he must lead his troops into battle against the forces of a rival warlord.   Property  Value
Overall Container Format Matroska
Bitrate 5 669 bps
Video Duration 3h 0mn
Format AVC
Width x Height 1920x1040
Aspect 1.85:1
Framerate 0.0000 fps
Library x264 core 120
Audio Format DTS
Language Japanese
Title [Feature] DTS | 1509 Kbps | cbr | 4 chan
Mode 16
Bitrate Mode Constant
Bitrate 1 509 Kbps
Channels 4 channels
Sample Rate 48.0 KHz
Subtitles Languages English, Russian, French, Hungarian, Portuguese, Spanish, Turkish

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--Mijn Spots--
Ik heb id CX3x2g de rest is fake!

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