<< ePub Kongdan Oh and Ralph Hassig - North Korea in a Nutshell- A Contemporary Overview (epub)
Kongdan Oh and Ralph Hassig - North Korea in a Nutshell- A Contemporary Overview (epub)
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LanguageEnglish audio/written
Date 2 years, 11 months
Size 366.08 MB
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Explore North Korea, one of the most secretive countries in the world.

This thoughtful book provides a concise introduction to North Korea. Two leading experts, Kongdan Oh and Ralph Hassig, trace the country's history from its founding in 1948 and describe the many facets of its political, economic, social, and cultural life.

The authors illuminate a hidden nation dominated by three generations of the secretive Kim regime, a family dynasty more suited to the Middle Ages than the contemporary era. North Korea has a robust if outmoded military force, including a growing arsenal of weapons of mass destruction, to deter and defend against foreign attacks and to maintain independence and isolation from the rest of the world. The struggling economy, disconnected from the global marketplace, operates under harsh international sanctions. All North Koreans, from the highest party cadres to the youngest children living in prison camps, are essentially servants of the leader....

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