<< ePub Raden - The Truth About Lies. The Illusion of Honesty and the Evolution of Deceit (2021)
Raden - The Truth About Lies. The Illusion of Honesty and the Evolution of Deceit (2021)
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LanguageEnglish audio/written
Date 2 years, 11 months
Size 2.43 MB
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Post Description

Decoding how we behave, The Truth About Lies illuminates situations where we are better off lying—to ourselves and at times to others—and why it can be a healthy psychological mechanism.
Fibbing, prevaricating, stretching the truth, white lies, of omission, of commission. Lying is so pervasive that we have countless words for it. But have you ever considered why you believed a lie you were told? More often than not, lying is as much about belief as it is about deceit.
The Truth About Lies is buttressed by a winning mixture of history, psychology, and science, and unpacks our psyches to reveal why we believe what we believe. Divided into three sections—The Lies We Tell Each Other, The Lies We Tell Ourselves, and The Lies We All Agree to Believe—Raden explores everything from swindles to cons to the long game to the big lie, including:
- Why anyone still plays a shell game and gambles when they know the house is...

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