<< MP3 James Patterson - Count To
James Patterson - Count To
Category Sound
Date 6 years, 7 months
Size 226.37 MB
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Website SexBook
Sender ThePingPong (CX3x2g)
Tag PingPong
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Post Description

General Information
Title: Count To 10 (Private Delhi)
Author: James Patterson
Read By: Sartaj Garewal
Copyright: 2017
Audiobook Copyright: 2017
Genre: Suspense
Series Private #13
Publisher: Hachette
Abridged: No

Original Media Information
Media: CD
Number: 6
Source: Library
Condition: Good

File Information
Number of MP3s: 119
Total Duration: Approx 7 ours
Total MP3 Size: 201 mb
Ripped By: cronic
Ripped With: CDDA verified
Encoded With: Lame
Encoded At: 64 Kb
ID3 Tags: Yes

Santosh Wagh quit his job as head of Private India after harrowing events in
Mumbai almost got him killed. But Jack Morgan, global head of the world's
finest investigation agency, needs him back. Jack is setting up a new office
in Delhi, and Santosh is the only person he can trust.

Still battling his demons, Santosh accepts, and it's not long before the
agency takes on a case that could make or break them. Plastic barrels
containing dissolved human remains have been found in the basement of a house
in an upmarket area of South Delhi. But this isn't just any house, this
property belongs to the state government.

With the crime scene in lockdown and information suppressed by the
authorities, delving too deep could make Santosh a target to be eliminated.

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