<< x264HD Udemy - Linux for Beginners Linux Basics
Udemy - Linux for Beginners Linux Basics
Category Image
LanguageEnglish subtitles (available)
LanguageEnglish audio/written
Date 2 years, 5 months
Size 930.35 MB
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Sender TarkusTWS (zBjc6A)
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Post Description

Welcome to my Linux for Beginners: Linux Basics Course!
Linux For Beginners covers Linux basics. You will learn Linux fundamental skills; Command line, Linux Administration

In this course, you will learn Kali Linux fundamentals, how to use basic commands, how Linux File hierarchy is, how to set the network of Linux, how to install packages from package managers and source code, how to manage services, processes and monitoring.

This course is for beginner level. You will learn step-by-step with hands-on demonstrations.

At the end of the course you will learn;

What is Linux


Pieces of Linux


Linux Signs $,#,%

Desktop Environments

Linux GUI

Command Parameters

List Files - "ls" Command

Print Working Directory - "pwd" Command

Show Manuel - "man" Command

Change Directory - "cd" Command

Concatenate Files - "cat" Command

Display Output - "echo" Command

View the File with "more" Command

View the File with "less" Command

Print First Lines with "head" Command

Print Last Lines with "tail" Command

Global Regular Expression Print - "grep" Command

Output Redirections

Linux File Hierarchy

File Permissions

Make Directory - "mkdir" Command

Create File & Modify Date - "touch" Command

Remove Files or Directories - "rm" Command

Copy and Move Files or Directories - "cp" & "mv" Command

Find Files and Directories - "find" Command

Cut Parts of Lines - "cut" Command

Change Ownership of a Given File - "chown" Command

Network Settings

Display Network Status - "ifconfig" Command

Leasing New IP from DHCP Server


User Management in Linux

Important Files - "passwd" and "shadow"

Adding a New User

Change the Group and Delete a User

Process Management

Monitoring Running Processes - "ps" and "top" Commands

Killing Processes

Package Management

Foremost Linux Package Managers


APT Package Manager

Install From Source Code

System Monitoring

Monitoring - "df", "top", "vmstat", "netstat" CommandsUsing Linux

Using linux, kali linux, linux administration, linux command line, kali

Using Linux, Linux Certification, Linux Administration, Linux Security, Linux Kernel, Linux Command Line, Kali Linux, Embedded Linux, Comand Line, Bash Shell

Using colt steele, rhcsa, ubuntu, red hat, shell script, redhat

Using linux system administration, linux server administration, linux server, ubuntu

Using Unix, bash, bash script, emacs

Using kali linux, oscp, kali, linux, ceh, everything about kali linux os, kali linux tutorial, penetration testing, ethical hacking.

ubuntu linux server, ubuntu server, ubuntu linux, server, linux server, linux administration, linux basics, nagios

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No prior knowledge is needed!

Wachtwoord: TTwsMz

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