<< ePub Eleanor in the Village- Eleanor Roosevelt's Search for Freedom and Identity in New York's Greenwich Village
Eleanor in the Village- Eleanor Roosevelt's Search for Freedom and Identity in New York's Greenwich Village
Category Image
LanguageEnglish audio/written
Date 3 years, 4 weeks
Size 35.41 MB
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Post Description

A vivid and incisive account of a mostly unknown yet critical chapter in the life of Eleanor Roosevelt—when she moved to New York's Greenwich Village, shed her high-born conformity, and became the progressive leader who pushed for change as America's First Lady.
Hundreds of books have been written about FDR and Eleanor, both together and separately, but yet she remains a compelling and elusive figure. And, not much is known about why in 1920, Eleanor suddenly abandoned her duties as a mother of five and moved to Greenwich Village, then the symbol of all forms of transgressive freedom—communism, homosexuality, interracial relationships, and subversive political activity. Now, in this fascinating, in-depth portrait, Jan Russell pulls back the curtain on Eleanor's life to reveal the motivations and desires that drew her to the Village and how her time there changed her political outlook.

A captivating blend of personal history detailing Eleanor's...

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