<< DVD5 Emerson, Lake & Palmer - The Birth of a Band
Emerson, Lake & Palmer - The Birth of a Band
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LanguageEnglish audio/written
Date 3 years, 5 months
Size 3.85 GB
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Post Description

ELP's historic first live performance at the August 29, 1970 Isle of Wight Festival in front of nearly a half million people (the UK version of Woodstock) has been talked about for many many years. Eagle Rock Entertainment has released this fun dualdisc package containing a DVD of the show, plus a CD of the audio. Well, sort of. You see, the DVD is a 60 minute documentary of the birth of the band, and ELP's set at the Isle of Wight Festival was 67 minutes, so I'm sure you see the problem here. This is not the complete show by any means. Instead you get edited footage of the four songs the band played that day, interspered with recent interviews from Keith Emerson, Greg Lake, and Carl Palmer. Whether the complete set footage was available or not I don't know, and I'm sure ELP fanatics will be bashing this release to no end, but honestly, if this is all that is available, it makes for a fun watch nevertheless. Much like the Jethro Tull release where Ian Anderson talks a bit about the festival, it's great to hear ELP's take on the goings on at this massive gathering, as well as talk about the early days when the band formed. They go into detail about the bands they came from (The Nice, Crazy World of Arthur Brown, King Crimson) and even talk about how the press blasted them from the beginning. Emerson's section where he talks about and demonstrates on the Moog synthesizer and Hammond organ is pretty interesting, and honestly, the footage from the festival where he is knocking over the Hammond and walking on top of it is a hoot. Drum fans also get to witness Palmer's drum solo from the festival, as he showcased his soon to be legendary skills.

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