<< WIN SpellForce III - Fallen God
SpellForce III - Fallen God
Category Games
Date 3 years, 2 months
Size 28.3 GB
Spotted with Spotnet 1.8.5
Website SexBook
Sender Hoodlum (UmmUfw)
Searchengine Search
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Post Description

Game Description: ..Your dwindling, nomadic tribe of trolls has just one goal: survival. Plagued by vicious poachers for your precious tusks and weakened by disease, hope is almost lost - until an enigmatic Elven stranger offers you, the young chieftain Akrog, a path to salvation: you must resurrect a fallen god..

Features: ..The perfect blend of RTS and RPG: SpellForce 3: Fallen God combines RTS and RPG gameplay for an exciting blend of storytelling and epic real-time battles..Standalone game and story: Fallen God is a standalone expansion to SpellForce 3. You don’t need to be familiar with the story of SpellForce 3 or SpellForce 3: Soul Harvest to jump right in..Single-player campaign: Featuring the dark, enthralling story of the long-misunderstoodTrolls and their battle for survival, with a playtime of around 20 hours..Customize your heroes: Combine skill trees and abilities to create the perfect heroes for your strategy..

<<>> Minimum System Requirements <<>>

<<>> Windows: 7/8/10 x64 ONLY!
<<>> Processor: Intel Core i5-3570
<<>> Memory: 8 GB RAM
<<>> Graphics: nVidia GeForce GTX 660/2GB
<<>> DirectX: 11/12
<<>> Languages: Multi-8..Change language in game options.

Genre: Strategie/RPG


Veel plezier met de nieuwe game!..bij deze dan..grz the Hood!

NOTE: Installeren en/of Uitpakken en spelen maar!..

>>..Updated to v1.6

>>..WW = 404[/B]

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