<< FLAC Waxahatchee - Cerulean Salt (2013)
Waxahatchee - Cerulean Salt (2013)
Category Sound
Date 3 years, 2 months
Size 208.13 MB
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Sender TarkusTWS (zBjc6A)
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Post Description

01 - Waxahatchee - Hollow Bedroom
02 - Waxahatchee - Dixie Cups And Jars
03 - Waxahatchee - Lips And Limbs
04 - Waxahatchee - Blue Pt. II
05 - Waxahatchee - Brother Bryan
06 - Waxahatchee - Coast To Coast
07 - Waxahatchee - Tangled Envisioning
08 - Waxahatchee - Misery Over Dispute
09 - Waxahatchee - Lively
10 - Waxahatchee - Waiting
11 - Waxahatchee - Swan Dive
12 - Waxahatchee - Peace And Quiet
13 - Waxahatchee - You're Damaged

Waxahatchee is an American indie music project, formed in 2010 by American singer-songwriter Katie Crutchfield (born January 4, 1989), previously a member of P.S. Eliot. The band is named after Waxahatchee Creek, in Alabama, where Crutchfield grew up. Originally an acoustic solo project, her recordings now tend to involve a backing band, and the music has increasingly been performed this way. Crutchfield, as Waxahatchee, has released 5 albums to date: American Weekend (2012), Cerulean Salt (2013), Ivy Tripp (2015), Out in the Storm (2017) and Saint Cloud (2020).

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