<< MP3 Prince 1997 - The Dawn [UNRELEASSED ALBUM]
Prince 1997 - The Dawn [UNRELEASSED ALBUM]
Category Sound
Date 4 years, 4 months
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The Dawn was to be the first Prince album after Emancipation, but it was shelved in 1997.
The album was at that point slated to be the accompanying soundtrack to a film of the same
name, but because of the box office failure of Graffiti Bridge, this wasn't possible. An
acoustic version of the title track can be found on The Truth. Prince had often thought
of releasing an album called The Dawn at many points during his career. The earliest known
incarnation of 'The Dawn' was from 1986, and seems to have been some kind of musical
(an idea that eventually resurfaced as 'Graffiti Bridge'). Another incarnation of 'The Dawn'
was assembled around 1994, soon after Prince changed his stage name to an unpronounceable
symbol. This time the content was made from tracks that would later surface on Come and The
Gold Experience. The last known incarnation of the album was assembled in 1996/1997, this
time it came very close to release, and was even advertised on the back of the free cassette
single of "The Holy River" that was given away at Borders stores in 1997.[4]

Tracks believed to have been included on the 1994 album

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Triple album. Combined tracks which had been previously included on 1993
configurations of
Come, along with tracks that would later be released on The Gold Experience
and Chaos and
Disorder, along with various NPG Operator segues, although the exact track
listing is not

* Come
* Endorphinmachine
* Space
* Pheromone
* Loose!
* Papa
* Dark
* Dolphin
* Poem (later edited and renamed "Orgasm")
* Race
* Strays of the World
* What's My Name
* Interactive
* Solo
* Zannalee
* The Most Beautiful Girl in the World
* Now
* Ripopgodazippa
* Shy
* Gold
* 319
* Billy Jack Bitch
* Chaos and Disorder
* Right the Wrong
* Acknowledge Me
* Listen 2 the Rhythm (later renamed "The Rhythm of Your ?")
* Hide the Bone
* New World
* Days of Wild

Other tracks not included on any configuration of Come,
The Gold Experience or Chaos and Disorder that may have been considered
for inclusion here include the following:

* Make Believe
* Dreamin' About U
* Q In Doubt
* Eye Wanna Melt With U
* Emotional Pump
* The Ride
* Poor goo
* Calhoun Square
* It's About That Walk (later released on The Vault: Old Friends 4 Sale)
* Slave 2 the System

All tracks listed here are speculative, however.

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