<< ePub Kermit Pattison - Fossil Men- The Quest for the Oldest Skeleton and the Origins of Humankind
Kermit Pattison - Fossil Men- The Quest for the Oldest Skeleton and the Origins of Humankind
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LanguageEnglish audio/written
Date 3 years, 5 months
Size 34.73 MB
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Post Description

"A rip-roaring tale, Fossil Men is one of those rare books that can be a prism through which to view the world, exposing the fabric of the Earth and illuminating the Tree of Life." —New York Times bestselling author Peter Nichols

A behind-the-scenes account of the shocking discovery of the skeleton of "Ardi," a human ancestor far older than Lucy - a find that shook the world of paleoanthropology and radically altered our understanding of human evolution.

In 1994, a team led by fossil-hunting legend Tim White—"the Steve Jobs of paleoanthropology"—uncovered the bones of a human ancestor in Ethiopia's Afar region. Radiometric dating of nearby rocks indicated the skeleton, classified as Ardipithecus ramidus, was 4.4 million years old, more than a million years older than "Lucy," then the oldest known human ancestor. The findings challenged many assumptions about human evolution—how we...

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