<< MP3 Prince - 1986 Crystal Ball [Unreleased Final configuration]
Prince - 1986 Crystal Ball [Unreleased Final configuration]
Category Sound
Date 5 years, 3 months
Size 253.18 MB
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Not to be confused with Crystal Ball (album set).
Crystal Ball was a 3-LP set to be released in 1986, The set was to
consist of various tracks from 1985–1986. Although several Dream
Factory tracks were incorporated, this set was to be marketed as a solo
album by Prince. Warner Bros. Records balked at the album's length so
Prince begrudgingly trimmed it to the 2-LP Sign "O" the Times, which
many still consider to be his best album (although Purple Rain was his
most successful). The album is notable for two reasons; it was the last
studio album to be recorded with The Revolution and the events said to
have surrounded its recording led to the resignation of both Wendy &
Lisa, effectively dissolving Prince's band until the creation of the
New Power Generation.

Final configuration

First Joint
"Rebirth of the Flesh"
"Play in the Sunshine"
"The Ballad of Dorothy Parker"
"Starfish and Coffee"
"Slow Love"
"Hot Thing"

Seccond Joint
"Crystal Ball"
"If I Was Your Girlfriend"
"Rockhard in a Funky Place"
"The Ball" (Eye No in Lovesexy)
"Joy in Repetition" (moved to Graffiti Bridge)
"Strange Relationship"
"I Could Never Take the Place of Your Man"

Third Joint
"Good Love"
"Forever In My Life"
"Sign O' the Times"
"The Cross"
"It's Gonna Be a Beautiful Night"
"Adore (Until the End of Time)"

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