<< WIN Strange Discoveries - Aurora Peak Collector's Edition
Strange Discoveries - Aurora Peak Collector's Edition
Category Games
Date 3 years, 3 months
Size 692.22 MB
Spotted with Spotnet 1.8.5
Website SexBook
Sender Hoodlum (UmmUfw)
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Post Description

Game Description: ..You’ve arrived in the peaceful resort town of Aurora Peak to investigate some mysterious local crystals. But the devious plot you uncover there could endanger the entire world! Uncover the secrets of a picturesque mountain resort in Strange Discoveries: Aurora Peak! The town of Aurora Peak was a wonderful place when you were growing up – the locals were friendly, and the mountain was peaceful and inviting. Things have changed since you were kid. When you come back to town years later, you see that an ominous cloud hangs over the mountain, and plants and animals in the area have started to… change. It seems to be natural phenomenon connected to some strange local crystals. But the devious plot youstart to uncover could endanger the entire world! Discover the truth behind Aurora Peak’s deadly secret in this thrilling Hidden Object Adventure game!..

Features: ..Widescreen Support..Interactive Jump-Map..Voice Overs..Three Difficulty Modes..

<<>> Minimum System Requirements <<>>

<<>> Windows: 7/8/10
<<>> Processor: Intel Core 2.0 GHz
<<>> Memory: 2 GB RAM
<<>> DirectX: 9.0c
<<>> Languages:

Genre: Puzzle/Adventure/Hidden Object Game


Veel plezier met je verzoekje!..Bij deze dan..grz the Hood!

NOTE: Installeren en/of Uitpakken en spelen maar!..

>>..Geen WW vereist/nodig..

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