<< MP3 The Flesh - 1985 Junk Music (Prince)
The Flesh - 1985 Junk Music (Prince)
Category Sound
Date 4 years, 11 months
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The Flesh was a project of live jam sessions recorded in late 1985 to 
early 1986. The project was abandoned when Prince began work on Parade
although a small instrumental portion of a track called "Junk Music"
made it into the film Under the Cherry Moon. A circulating outtake
from these sessions is titled "U Got 2 Shake Something".

The Flesh was a kind of precursor to Madhouse. All the tracks were
jazz-funk instrumentals. The songs were recorded in 3 sessions soon
after Christmas 1985 at Sunset Sound.

The first session was on December 28 '85:
Prince, Eric Leeds, Sheila E. and Levi Seacer, Jr. recorded 8 tracks:

01. Slaughterhouse
02. U Just Can't Stop
03. Run Amok
04. Mobile
05. Madrid
06. Breathless
07. High Calonic
08. 12 Keys

Prince was so pleased with the results that they all returned to
the studio 2 days later to record another 3 tracks:

09. U Gotta Shake Something
10. Voodoo Who
11. Finest Whiskey

On January 5 '86, Prince, Eric, Sheila and Levi returned to the
studio once more, this time with Wendy & Lisa, and Wendy's brother,
Jonathan Melvoin. They recorded another 6 tracks:

Groove In C Minor
Slow Groove In G Major
Groove In G Flat Minor
Junk Music
Up From Below
Y'all Want Some More

On January 22 '86 Prince assembled an album by "The Flesh" entitled
Junk Music which consisted of the following tracks:

Side one
"Junk Music"

Side two
"Up From Below"
"Y'all Want Some More"
"A Couple Of Miles"

"Junk Music" was originally about 45 minutes long, but was edited down
to 20 minutes for the album.
"A Couple Of Miles" was an instrumental that Prince recorded on December 26 '85 (he also recorded "Can I Play With U" in the same session), Eric Leeds added some saxophone to it on December 30.
The album was shelved due to the fact that Prince's time was taken up with other projects (Under The Cherry Moon, Parade and The Family). Prince liked the idea of releasing an instrumental jazz-funk album under a pseudonym. He finally got round to it in '87, but renamed the project Madhouse and ditched the old Flesh tracks in favor of fresh new recordings.

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