<< MP3 B V Larson - Undying Mercenaries 8 - Blood World
B V Larson - Undying Mercenaries 8 - Blood World
Category Sound
Date 6 years, 7 months
Size 359.39 MB
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Website SexBook
Sender ThePingPong (CX3x2g)
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Post Description

General Information
Title: Blood World: Undying Mercenaries, Book 8
Author: B. V. Larson
Read By: Mark Boyett
Copyright: 2018
Audiobook Copyright: 2018
Genre: Audiobook
Publisher: Audible Studios
Duration: 12 hours, 31 minutes, 30 seconds
Chapters: 62

Media Information
Source Format: Audible AAX
Source Sample Rate: 22050 Hz
Source Channels: 2
Source Bitrate: 63 kbits

Lossless Encode: No
Encoded Codec: LAME MP3
Encoded Sample Rate: 22050 Hz
Encoded Channels: 2
Encoded Bitrate: 64 kbits

Ripper: inAudible 1.97

Book Description
A dirty deal was struck. Humanity was allowed to keep 300 rebellious worlds. In return, we declared war on a powerful enemy from beyond the frontier. A frantic build-up of forces has begun, but the task is hopeless. Seeking allies, Earth's legions are sent to Blood World. A

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Er is maar 1 echte ThePingPong (id CX3x2g)!
Als je een ander ID ziet klik deze weg, en blacklist deze trol!planet on the fringe of known space, where the people only respect masters of combat. Earth's Legions must impress them, but other alien powers have been invited to join the contest. The prize consists of billions of loyal troops - Earth must win. Fighting and dying and fighting again, the struggle is half-mad - but so is James McGill. Blood World is the eighth book in the Undying Mercenaries

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