<< ePub Linda Tripp - A Basket of Deplorables- What I Saw Inside the Clinton White House
Linda Tripp - A Basket of Deplorables- What I Saw Inside the Clinton White House
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LanguageEnglish audio/written
Date 3 years, 5 months
Size 1.88 MB
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Website SexBook
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Post Description

A compelling insider's look at a political marriage that tore apart the nation and almost destroyed a presidency—from the woman who saw it all happen.
In this brilliantly written behind-the-scenes account, Linda Tripp along with her co-author, Dennis Carstens, shares her side of the Clinton White House sex scandals for the first time—detailing the behavior of two very flawed people who fooled a nation: Bill Clinton, a sexual predator, and his wife, Hillary, who was his primary enabler. In this exposé, Tripp outlines what the public was not allowed to see: the lengths Clintons' protectors would go to lie, deceive, and coverup for them; some of the many women Bill Clinton used his position, privilege, and power as president to sexually abuse; how the former president got away with it thanks to his morally bankrupt, unscrupulous wife and cabal of protectors; and finally, the role party politics played when he was called to task and was almost the first...

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