<< WIN Modern Art 49 DeLuxe - NL
Modern Art 49 DeLuxe - NL
Category Games
Date 3 weeks, 6 days
Size 194.6 MB
Spotted with Spotnet 1.8.5
Website SexBook
Sender Hoodlum (5KXKzA)
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Number of spamreports 3

Post Description

Game Description: .. You are the Succubus – a wild and lustful demon who rejected the role of the queen of the infernal abyss. ­With the disappearance of the legitimate rulers of Hell, the remaining demons recognized Nimrod as their ruler, because he was the only soul who could dominate the mind of the mighty Beast. By raising his new empire from the corpses of sinners, the new king, along with his new queen – you – managed to control the chaos left by former rulers. The life of luxury and walking on rugs sewn from the skins of martyrs was not for you though, and so you have chosen a life in the wilderness. You inflict pain by hurting everyone and everything in your path to satisfy your apetites and primal instincts..

Features: ..Intense and brutal action using 40 different weapons and 20 special powers..Diversified opponents..World Map..Character Customization..Main Hub with customization option..Rank Arenas with Online Leaderboards..A system of weapons and armor that affect a player's statistics..A rich and diverse world of Hell..A multi-story plot combining horror with action and survival..A hostile environment full of traps and enemies..Surreal visual setting and gore..Boss fights..

DLC: Tormentress..Evil Support..Red Goddess..Halloween Nasty Outfits..Onoskelis..Summer Armors..Issabel Cosplay..SuperHero Armors..Ukraine Support..Madmind Heroine..Demons of the Past..Unrated..Tight Armors..Soundtrack..Artbook..

<<>> Minimum System Requirements <<>>

<<>> Windows: 10/11 x64 ONLY!
<<>> Processor: Intel Core i5-6500
<<>> Memory: 16 GB RAM
<<>> Graphics: nVidia GeForce GTX 1050
<<>> DirectX: 11/12
<<>> Languages: Multi-12

Genre: ..Action/Adventure


Veel plezier met je verzoekje/new game!..bij deze dan..grz the Hood!..

NOTE: Installeren en/of Uitpakken en spelen maar!..

>>..eLAmigos release..game is already cracked after instal..

>>..WW = 404

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