<< ePub John Strausbaugh - City of Sedition- The History of New York City during the Civil War
John Strausbaugh - City of Sedition- The History of New York City during the Civil War
Category Image
LanguageEnglish audio/written
Date 3 years, 3 months
Size 6.22 MB
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Website SexBook
Sender TarkusTWS (zBjc6A)
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Post Description

In a single definitive narrative, CITY OF SEDITION tells the spellbinding story of the huge-and hugely conflicted-role New York City played in the Civil War. 
No city was more of a help to Abraham Lincoln and the Union war effort, or more of a hindrance. No city raised more men, money, and materiel for the war, and no city raised more hell against it. It was a city of patriots, war heroes, and abolitionists, but simultaneously a city of antiwar protest, draft resistance, and sedition.
Without his New York supporters, it's highly unlikely Lincoln would have made it to the White House. Yet, because of the city's vital and intimate business ties to the Cotton South, the majority of New Yorkers never voted for him and were openly hostile to him and his politics. Throughout the war New York City was a nest of antiwar "Copperheads" and a haven for deserters and draft dodgers. New Yorkers would react to Lincoln's wartime policies with the deadliest rioting in American...

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