<< PDF The Royal Rabbits of London 01
The Royal Rabbits of London 01
Category Image
LanguageEnglish audio/written
Date 3 years, 4 months
Size 28.45 MB
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Post Description

Life is an adventure. Anything in the world is possible – by will and by luck, with a moist carrot, a wet nose and a slice of mad courage! 
Shylo has always been the runt of the litter, the weakest and queitest of all of his family, his siblings spend their days making fun of him for not being like the rest of them. But when Shylo stumbles across a band of ratzis and overhears their evil plan to take a photo of the Queen in her nightie, it's up to this unlikely hero to travel to London and inform the Royal Rabbits of London about the diabolicial plot! The Royal Rabbits of London have a proud history of protecting the royal family and now the secret society need to leap into action to stop the ratzis... But can a rabbit as feeble and shy as Shylo convince them that Queen is in danger?
The Hobbit meets Watership Down in this charming novel from bestselling authors Santa and Sebag Montefiore, which shows that even the smallest rabbit can be the...

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