<< ePub Poulsom T. - Birds from Bricks - 2016 (Lego)
Poulsom T. - Birds from Bricks - 2016 (Lego)
Category Image
LanguageEnglish audio/written
Date 3 years, 3 months
Size 24.95 MB
Spotted with Spotnet
Website SexBook
Sender TarkusTWS (zBjc6A)
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Post Description

Let your creativity soar with 15 projects using interlocking bricks and to make birds from around the world.Interlocking bricks, such as LEGO(R), have fueled the imaginations of aspiring designers and builders for generations. In Birds from Bricks, horticulturist and LEGO enthusiast Thomas Poulsom guides you through re-creating nature's feathered-friends in stunning detail. Assemble your very own cardinal, macaw, penguin, and more!With detailed step-by-step instructions and full color photos of completed models, Birds from Bricks will let your creativity soar. Learn how to build 15 projects, featuring birds from around the world: North and South America, the Mid-Atlantic, Eurasia, Africa, the North Pacific, and Australia/New Zealand.Each set of instructions includes entertaining and educational information about the bird's characteristics and habitat. Poulsom's creative and charming designs surprise and delight lovers of birds, nature, and—of course—LEGO.

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