<< UHD Muse Simulation Theory 2019 2160p WEBRip x265-LiQWEB
Muse Simulation Theory 2019 2160p WEBRip x265-LiQWEB
Category Image
Date 3 years, 1 month
Size 10.2 GB
Spotted with Spotnet
Website SexBook
Sender ThePingPong (CX3x2g)
Tag PingPong
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Post Description

We are caged in a simulation - Conceived and filmed at London's O2 Arena in September 2019 the film follows a team of scientists as they investigate the source of a paranormal anomaly appearing around the world. Blurring the lines between narrative and concert film, virtual and reality, Muse's most theatrical tour to date launches the viewer through a supernatural spectacle, questioning the world around us.   Property  Value
Overall Container Format Matroska
Bitrate 11.3 Kbps
Video Duration 1h 30mn
Format HEVC
Width x Height 3840x1604
Aspect 2.40:1
Framerate 25.0000 fps
Library x265 3.5+9-bf91444e0:[Windows][MSVC 1900][64 bit] 8bit
Audio Format AC-3
Language English
Bitrate Mode Constant
Bitrate 384 Kbps
Channels 6 channels
Sample Rate 48.0 KHz

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--Mijn Spots--
Ik maak gebruik van id CX3x2g. De rest is fake!

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