<< x264HD The Shadow Riders 1982 OAR 1080p BluRay x264-OLDTiME
The Shadow Riders 1982 OAR 1080p BluRay x264-OLDTiME
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Date 1 year, 2 weeks
Size 10.6 GB
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Sender Bart (87Mlew)
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Post Description

After starring in "The Sacketts", Tom Selleck and Sam Elliott team up again but this time as Mac and Dal Traven, in a movie based on a classic Louis L'Amour novel. They are brothers, who meet up at the end of the Civil War fighting on opposite sides. They go home only to find their family in dire need and their sisters and brother kidnapped by ruthless raiders. They set out to rescue their family.Make sure you are using the latest SpotNet classic, SABnzbd,  or NZBGet. If you still using SpotNet 2.0 go kill your self. no seriously. Spotnet 2.0 is very old software. SpotNet Classic is much newer. Maybe a little less sexy but it does have the latest SABnzbd. Then you do not have to enter passwords and the unpacking almost always goes well. 

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