<< FLAC Instrumental Gold Collection - World's Best Hits Volume 2
Instrumental Gold Collection - World's Best Hits Volume 2
Category Sound
Date 3 years, 3 months
Size 878.47 MB
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Website SexBook
Sender TarkusTWS (zBjc6A)
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Post Description

CD 1

01 - Paul Mauriat - Alouette
02 - Fausto papetti - Sleepy Shores
03 - Francis Goya - Concerto pour une voix
04 - Armik - Dancing Shadow
05 - Alan Parsons - Mammagamma
06 - Paris-france-tranzit - Voice of jupiter
07 - The Shadows - Apache
08 - Vanessa-Mae - Can Can
09 - The Ventures - The House of the rising Sun
10 - Max Greger - Two Guitars
11 - Richard Clauderman - Dolannes melody
12 - Glenn Miller Project - Moonlight serenade
13 - Paul Mauriat - Bridge over troubled water
14 - Santana - Samba Parti
15 - Kenny Ball - Midnight in Moscow
16 - Squirrel Nut Zippers - Flight of the passing fancy
17 - Aristakis - The Etertainer
18 - Stephane Grappelli - Tears
19 - Louis Clarc & R.P.O. - Pachelbel's canon
20 - Dave Brubeck - Thank You (Dziekuje)
21 - Exeption - Air

CD 2

01 - Vanessa-Mae - Storm
02 - Armik - Gipsy Flame
03 - Paul Mauriat - Minuetto
04 - Pan Dana - The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
05 - Frank Duval & Orchestra - Sorry to leave You
06 - Paruis-Frnce-Tranzit - Souvenir From Rio
07 - Robert Miles - Children
08 - Squirrel Nut Zippers - Interlocutor
09 - The Ventures - Vibrations
10 - Fausto Papetti - Theme From Paradise
11 - Richard Clauderman - Aline
12 - Ennino Morricone - Le Vent, Le Cri
13 - Michel Legrand - Paraplues De Sherbourg
14 - Paul Mauriat - Un Homme Et Une Femme
15 - G. Sviridov - Waltz
16 - Space - Secret Dreams
17 - Rithie Blackmore - Ministrel Hall
18 - Richard Clauderman - Moonlight Sonata
19 - Dave Brubeck - Sixth Sense

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