<< FLAC Instrumental Gold Collection - World's Best Hits Volume 5
Instrumental Gold Collection - World's Best Hits Volume 5
Category Sound
Date 3 years, 3 months
Size 994.04 MB
Spotted with Spotnet
Website SexBook
Sender TarkusTWS (zBjc6A)
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Post Description


01 - Rondo Veneziano - Rondo Veneziano
02 - Ottmar Liebert - Havana Club
03 - Acoustic Alchemy - The Netting Hill Two Step
04 - Frank Duval & Orchestra - Song of the Ben
05 - Jan Hammar - Tubbs And Valerie
06 - Rick Wakeman - Gemini
07 - Piano Fantasia - Song for Denise
08 - Elton John - Cheldorado
09 - Shahin & Sepehr - One Thousand & One Nights
10 - Blonker - Classical Dream
11 - Elo - Another Heart Breacks
12 - Dudley - Moments in Love
13 - Guru Josh - Infinity
14 - Carlos - The Simarilla
15 - Vladimir Cosma - Vladimir Cosma
16 - Miami Sound Machine - All Because of You...
17 - Sting - Ocean Waltz
18 - Nino Rota - Theme Godfader ][[br]19 - Andreas Vollenweider - Trilogy
20 - Monika Ramos - Moat
21 - James Last - Saturday Night Fever


01 - Paradise - Love The Me
02 - Gipsy Kings - Love & Liberte
03 - Gary Moore - Spanish Guitar
04 - Paul Mauriat - Atlantis
05 - Hank Marvin & The Shadows - Kontiki
06 - Max Greger - Alla Figaro
07 - Rick Wakeman - Isabella
08 - Brian McKnight - Color Of The Night
09 - Richard Clayderman - Cool Breeze
10 - Jan Hammer - Crockett's Theme
11 - Rondo Veneziano - La Serenissima
12 - Barcode Brothers - Flute
13 - Ottmar Liebert - 2 The Night
14 - Shanin & Sepehr - Tears Of Fire
15 - Ryuchi Sakamoto - Merry Christmas
16 - Fausto Papetti - Passion Theme
17 - Acoustic Alchemy - Jamaica Heart Beat
18 - Martin Bottcher - Moonlight Guitar
19 - Christopher Dean - Scherzo
20 - Anthony Ventura - La paloma
21 - Blonker - Amazonas

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