<< x264HD Patrick Melrose Ep.5 NLHDTV 1080i
Patrick Melrose Ep.5 NLHDTV 1080i
Category Image
LanguageDutch subtitles (builtin)
LanguageEnglish audio/written
Date 6 years, 2 months
Size 5.71 GB
Spotted with Spotnet
Website SexBook
Sender Eggbert (0FllkQ)
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Post Description

Uitzending van 23-07-2018 van NPO2

Patrick Melrose verteltin deze vijfdelige mini-serie het turbulente en tragische verhaal van Patrick (gespeeld door Benedict Cumberbatch), een probleemgeval uit de Engelse upper class die demonen uit het verleden probeert te verslaan.

Vanaf zijn kindertijd in Zuid-Frankrijk in de jaren '60 tot zijn volwassen leven in New York en Londen worstelt Patrick met trauma's uit het verleden, zoals het misbruik door zijn vader en zijn heroïneverslaving.

Episode 5 At Last

April 2005 - Eleanor Melrose has passed away and Patrick presides over her funeral.
There are flashbacks of Patrick's life over the past two years, in which his drinking problem continued unabated after separating from Mary and his children.
Eventually he returns to a rehab center, and after initially resisting the process and even escaping, he returned to focus on his recovery.
His mother, bedridden in a London nursing home, insisted on being euthanised, so Patrick petitioned the British government to allow her to be brought to Switzerland.
After gaining approval, Eleanor changes her mind at the last minute. There is also a flashback to years earlier, when Mary and Patrick realize that his father was a serial child molester, and Patrick for the first time confronts his mother about the abuse, who claims to have also been abused by David.
In the present day, Eleanor's funeral and wake turn into a bizarre show as old faces converge.
Patrick struggles to reconcile the positive portrait of Eleanor which others knew to his own experience of her as a neglectful mother.

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