<< WIN Worlds Align - Beginning Collector Edition
Worlds Align - Beginning Collector Edition
Category Games
Date 4 years, 11 months
Size 1.34 GB
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Post Description

AMAX Interactive presents Worlds Align: Beginning - a groundbreaking new adventure through the worlds of Haunted Legends, Redemption Cemetery, and more! When the worlds of Haunted Legends, PuppetShow, and others begin to fuse, some familiar faces come together to bring someone from the real world into the game world to help. You! Meet old friends, and even older enemies, face-to-face while you work alongside representatives of several classic series to save their worlds and determine the cause of the calamity that threatens to destroy them all. Can you rescue the game worlds from the brink of destruction and uncover the truth behind their collapse?

The Collector's Edition Includes:
• Save a Watcher's homeworld once more in the Bonus Chapter!
• Revisit the hidden corners of multiple game worlds in replayable HOPs and mini-games and earn achievements!
• Tons of collectible coins and morphing objects to find!
• Enjoy exclusive concept art, music, videos, and more!
• Never get lost with the strategy guide!

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