<< FLAC Tchaikovsky Violin and Piano Cons - Tetzlaff - Lugansky - RNO - Nagano - HR
Tchaikovsky Violin and Piano Cons - Tetzlaff - Lugansky - RNO - Nagano - HR
Category Sound
Date 5 years, 4 months
Size 3.19 GB
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Tchaikovsky Violin and Piano Cons - Tetzlaff - Lugansky - RNO - Nagano - HR

I'm a huge admirer of violinist Christian Tetzlaff, but I had my doubts going in -- how would such a masterful player of Bach, Mozart, and Beethoven adapt to Tchaikovsky's showbiz concerto? Rather dutifully, i'm afraid. The notes are impeccably spun out, but there's little sense of panache and no bravado at all. Where the soloist should strut like a peacock, Tetzlaff is almost apologetic. Negano's straight-faced accompaniment is neither here nor thre, but the sonics from Penta Tone are splendid.

Matters don't improve in the Piano Concerto #1, which LUgansky sleepwalks through. Maybe both soloists thought that Tchaikovsky needed to be made respectable, but that's no excuse for Lugansky's tepid phrasing and lack of enthusiasm. As for Naagaon, his more or less siks the performance with a ham-fisted, square accompaniment that's miles away from the electricity we want. As before, the sonics are splendid, but there ar dozens of rivals who play the piano concerto for daredevil thrills, including Argerich and, of course, Horowitz.

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