<< WIN Medium Detective - Fright from the Past Collector's Edition
Medium Detective - Fright from the Past Collector's Edition
Category Games
Date 6 years, 8 months
Size 799.17 MB
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Website SexBook
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Post Description

Deep Shadows presents a chilling new series in Medium Detective: Fright from the Past!
When a strange series of murders is linked to an old folktale, you're called in to investigate. Your ability to see into the past will be crucial in stopping a dangerous entity from getting its vengeance and destroying the town. Do you have what it takes to uncover the dark origins of the 'Man of Shadows' in time, or will you become his next victim? Find out in this spine-tingling Hidden-Object Puzzle adventure!

The Collector's Edition Includes:
• Solve another thrilling mystery in the bonus game!
• Wallpapers, concept art and music available!
• Dozens of in-game collectibles!
• Try the in-game strategy guide!

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