<< MP3 Lord Vigo - Six Must Die 2018 ( doom metal )
Lord Vigo - Six Must Die 2018 ( doom metal )
Category Sound
Date 6 years, 3 months
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Post Description

Here they are, Lord Vigo! 

Vinz Clorthro (Vocals, Drums, Organ), Tony Scoleri (Guitar, Bass), Volguus Zildrohar (Guitar, Bass) and the army of angry spirits descend upon the Earth to deliver Epic Doom Metal with NWoBHM-guitar harmonies and scatterbrained organs.

The German act is heavily influenced by bands like Candlemass, Solitude Aeturnus, Manilla Road and Witchfinder General.
They are loud, epic, heavy, doomy, grumpy and paranormal. “Under Carpathian Sun“ demo was voted as demo of the month in the German Rock Hard magazine.

Now, Lord Vigo released their first full-length album and played live at the “Hammer Of Doom Festival“ in Germany.
They shared the stage with bands like Pentagram, Candlemass, Sorcerer and My Dying Bride.

Great reviews are floating everywhere for the new Doom Metal warlords, including 8 out of 10 at German metal magazine Deaf Forever.

Six Must Die
preview Lord Vigo
Type Studio Full-length
Released 2018-08-25
Labels No Remorse Records

1. Elizabeth Dane
2. Doom Shall Rise
3. I Am the Prophecy
4. Thul-rar
5. Thal Mum-rar
6. Evil in Disguise
7. Six Must Die
8. 21 April 1880

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