<< FLAC The Very Best Of Peter, Paul And Mary
The Very Best Of Peter, Paul And Mary
Category Sound
Date 6 years, 5 months
Size 790.01 MB
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Interestingly, Peter, Paul and Mary was an artificially made group, created by Albert Grossman through a series of New York auditions that joined Peter Yarrow, Paul Stookey, and Mary Travers. All three had a strong musical background, and their debut album was a top ten, then a number one, and was eventually certified double platinum. They were everything Grossman could have wanted … and perhaps a bit more, for the trio was soon involved in anti-Vietnam War and pro-Civil Rights politics, using their brilliant folk-pop gifts to attract attention to the various causes they favored.

Peter, Paul and Mary’s political stances made the trio something of a hot potato during the 1960s, and a mixture of stress and separate interests led the band to a break up about 1970—but after a year or two apart they were soon back together, and after numerous “special” reunions they reunited for once and all in the early 1980s. They were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1999, and they continued to perform as a group until Mary Travers’ death in 2009.

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