<< WIN Ableton 10.1.16 X64
Ableton 10.1.16 X64
Category Applications
Date 4 years, 9 months
Size 1.87 GB
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Website SexBook
Sender HermansMixen (m9t04A)
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Post Description

10.1.6 Release Notes
New features and improvements:
Group Tracks can now be collapsed and expanded by holding down the corresponding select button on the Akai Force MPC.
MIDI Remote Scripts that utilize the SessionOverviewComponent will now enable navigating to tracks that exist outside of the current bank.
Devices that are not explicitly defined in _Generic/Devices.py will still be controllable with control surfaces that rely on the previous method of device control, such as the Novation Launchkey Mini MK3.
On the Novation Launchpad X, while in Note Mode, the Record button will now flash to indicate that recording has been triggered to stop. On the Novation Launchkey Mini MK3, the correct device parameters will now be assigned to the knobs in Device Mode.
On the Launchpad Mini MK3 and Launchpad X, it is now possible to access session overview functionality via a quick double tap on the Session button.
Fixed a bug which prevented the Novation Launchpad MK2 from being automatically detected on Windows. Also fixed a bug where the Launchpad MK2 would not work or would partially crash if the Live Set contained no sends or all of its sends were deleted.
Fixed a bug where pressing the Record button on the Novation Launchpad X while a return track or the Master Track was selected could result in an error. Also fixed a bug where Button Faders on the Launchpad X that were assigned to an unavailable Send would be erroneously illuminated.
Previously on the Launchkey Mini MK3, MIDI messages from the Pots in Device Mode that had no parameter to control could leak into armed MIDI tracks.
On the Novation SL MkII, track names and other text will now appear on the display after pressing the Options button while in "InControl" mode.

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