<< WIN Dead Secret Circle
Dead Secret Circle
Category Games
Date 2 years, 11 months
Size 1.43 GB
Spotted with Spotnet 1.8.5
Website SexBook
Sender Hoodlum (UmmUfw)
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Post Description

Game Description: ..Five years after the events of DEAD SECRET, Patricia Gable’s investigation of a serial killer leads her to a condemned apartment building in East Chicago. There she finds people living on the margins of society, too poor or too stubborn to leave, each with something to hide. The building nearly vibrates with secrets. And strangely, Patricia feels like she’s been there before..

Features: ..A creepy whodunit with a story that goes deep. Meet seven strange suspects, each with something to hide. There’s a serial killer on the loose, and they know more than they are letting on. Delve into their lives to name the killer and discover the truth..Slow-burn psychological horror. Nothing is as it seems..You can run, you can hide, but youcannot fight The Laughing Man. Your only weapon is your wits..Comb the environment for clues. In DEAD SECRET CIRCLE you can freely explore every nook and cranny of the highly detailed environment with standard first-person controls..Solve devious puzzles in classic Adventure format. Collect items, review the clues, and unlock the secrets of this strange building..A haunting original soundtrack by Ben Prunty (FTL, Darkside Detective, Into the Breach)..Multiple endings, a huge collection of hidden items and documents, and branching dialog paths..

<<>> Minimum System Requirements <<>>

<<>> Windows: 7/8/10 x64 ONLY!
<<>> Processor: Intel Core i3
<<>> Memory: 2 GB RAM
<<>> Graphics: nVidia GeForce GTX 450
<<>> DirectX: 11/12
<<>> Languages: English/US

Genre: Puzzle/Adventure/Hidden Object Game


Veel plezier met je verzoekje!..Bij deze dan..grz the Hood!

NOTE: Installeren en/of Uitpakken en spelen maar!..

>>..Geen WW vereist/nodig..

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