<< FLAC Instrumental Gold Collection - World's Best Hits Volume 1 (2 CD's)
Instrumental Gold Collection - World's Best Hits Volume 1 (2 CD's)
Category Sound
Date 3 years, 3 months
Size 866.29 MB
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Website SexBook
Sender TarkusTWS (zBjc6A)
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Post Description


01 - R. Clayderman - The Phantom of the Opera
02 - F. Goya - Romance De Amour
03 - Ocarina - Moonlight Reaggae
04 - E. Morricone - Chi Mai
05 - H. Manciny - The Pink Panter
06 - F. Papetti - Summertime
07 - D. Brubeck - Take Five
08 - P. Mauriat - Love Is Blue
09 - J. Last - Nights in White Satin
10 - C. Atkins - Jam Man
11 - Exeption - Taccata
12 - P. Mauriat - La Gazza Landra
13 - F. Goya - La Raggazia Di Blue
14 - The Ventures - Walk, Don't Run
15 - F. Pappeti - I Just Called to Say I Love You
16 - Saint Preux - Amours Meteores
17 - D. Grusin - Fratelli Chase
18 - J. Last - The Lonely Sheepheard
19 - G. Moroder - Love the Me From Flash Dance

CD 2

01 - R. Clayderman - La Cumparsita
02 - P. Weekers - El Condor Pasa
03 - P. Mauriat - Toccata
04 - Santana - Moonflower
05 - J.M. Jarre - Magnetic Fields part5
06 - D. Marouani - Space Opera part3
07 - The Ventures - Rap City
08 - Ocarina - Song of Ocarina
09 - The Shadows - Man of Mistery
10 - C. Dulfer - Lilly Was Here
11 - F. Papetti - Emanuelle
12 - F. Duval - Ballade Pour Adeline
13 - E. Simoni - Pop Corn
14 - Vangelis - La Petite Fille De La Mer
15 - F. Pourcell - Besame Mucho
16 - Jethro Tull - Bouree
17 - E. Morricone - Addio a Cheyene
18 - R. Clayderman - Fur Elise
19 - P. Mauriat - Badinerie
20 - C. Atkins - Ave Maria

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