<< FLAC Arab Strap - 2021 - As Days Get Dark
Arab Strap - 2021 - As Days Get Dark
Category Sound
Date 3 years, 2 months
Size 322.76 MB
Spotted with Spotnet
Website SexBook
Sender Mac (ZvCMA)
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Post Description

On their first album in 16 years, the Scottish duo situates themselves in the current moment, teasing out new modes of songwriting while remaining as wry, dark, and self-lacerating as ever. 

Arab Strap’s Aidan Moffat will never come up with a more striking opening line than the one that introduced 1998’s Philophobia: “It was the biggest cock you’ve ever seen/But you’ve no idea where that cock has been.” However, the lyric that ushers us into As Days Get Dark comes awfully close: “I don’t give a fuck about the past/Or glory days gone by,” Moffat seethes in his signature surly monotone. Like the best Arab Strap lyrics, the line is candid, confrontational, and highly amusing all at once. But it’s not just funny because it kicks off the Scottish duo’s first album in 16 years, a gap that inevitably forces listeners to consider their past and how this record measures up against it. No, it’s funny for Arab Strap to invoke the phrase “glory days” because they have always sounded like defeated old men fixating on the most awkward, embarrassing, painful moments of their lives while staring down the bottom of another empty pint glass.

01 The Turning of Our Bones
02 Another Clockwork Day
03 Compersion Pt. 1
04 Bluebird
05 Kebabylon
06 Tears On Tour
07 Here Comes Comus!
08 Fable of the Urban Fox
09 I Was Once a Weak Man
10 Sleeper
11 Just Enough

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