<< FLAC The Meadows - 2021 - Dreamless Days (24-44.1)
The Meadows - 2021 - Dreamless Days (24-44.1)
Category Sound
Date 2 years, 9 months
Size 440.91 MB
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Mooi, mooi, mooi !!!!!!!

The Meadows’ Dreamless Days is a rare bird of an album that flutters with butterfly beauty, grace, and deep melodic magic; and with their self-penned tunes, they manage to dive deeply into mystic Welsh lore, yet they cleverly avoid any new age shallow serenity.
Dreamless Day balances on a gentle folky tightrope walk over a razorblade river of deep folk tradition. And, there’s an almost classical-chamber soul in this music.

‘Lullaby’ sets the tone. Titania Meadow (it’s a family affair!) sings with sheer beauty, while a piano and violin add an aged wisdom to the tune. This is very precious music, but again, it has the heavy slow depth of (to tap into Welsh mythology!) a Taliesin prophecy, which by the way, predicted it would be Cadwaladr ap Cadwallon and Cynan, not Arthur, who would return to save Britain from those nasty Saxons!

And just so you know, the other Meadows members (all hailing from Carmarthenshire in South West Wales!) are Melody, Fantasia, and Harvey— they all play piano, flute, recorder, violin, guitar, bodhran, and they all sing. Not only that, but according to their bio, Melody is also a “keen cook’.

That said, ‘Elusive Beauty’ continues with its multi-voiced, piano framed pulse. Then a violin caresses the melody. In a way, this recalls Kate Bush in her most intimate moments, Sally Oldfield on her brilliant Waterbearer album, and to get more esoteric, the mystical music of Fiona Joyce. But truly, the song is a modern take on the theme of John Keats’s ‘Ode On A Grecian Urn’ and its “mad pursuit” of those “unheard melodies”. Yeah, this album is shamelessly palpable in its intended quest. As John Keats wrote, “Beauty is truth, truth beauty”.

Indeed, as John Keats wrote, “And, happy melodist, unwearied, /Forever piping songs forever new”. Dreamless Days is an album of “elusive beauty” that’s rich like a Grimm’s tale of cascading hair, which in a very golden way, beckons, thankfully, an ancient fable into a very modern and very folky world.

1. Lullaby
2. Elusive Dreams
3. Merlin’s Oak
4. Castell Dryslwyn
5. Dried White Rose
6. Dreamless Days
7. There’s You
8. Gelli Aur
9. Dream You Into Life
10.Spin Me A Dream
11.The Tide

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