<< MP3 Wine From Tears - Glad To Be Dad 2013 ( doom metal )
Wine From Tears - Glad To Be Dad 2013 ( doom metal )
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Wine From Tears - Glad To Be Dad 2013 ( doom metal ) • : • : • ė • : • : • good melodic doom/somewhat death.

I could do without that garbage mainstream nu-metal sounding last song though. good lord. it is just oddly and utterly embarrassing. It's like out of no where to end the album, it's just some third rate sounding embarrassing radio band like bullet for my valenshite or avenged cuckhold. how the hell is that song written by the same band as song 6 or 7- and how was that honestly decided to put in randomly with the rest of the album? is it a cover? or just like, "hell yeah bros! let's put this awkward lame as fuck mediocre radio sounding song in to not follow or make sense for the rest of the album at all !?!?!?!"

I hope it was at least just to try to have a shit "hit" for marketing, and not actually thought to be good.
Necron thumbnail
Necron Ah, finally a second album. It was worth the wait. Incredible mood and fantastic guitars. Fantastic job, Wine From Tears! I only wish that we could see your releases more often. Favorite track: Allergic Sun.
Pencilvester thumbnail
Pencilvester Great if you like Daylight Dies. Hard to find new death/doom bands on this level. Favorite track: In Memory Of The Truth.
Some guy thumbnail
Some guy Their debut was an auspicious one, and this is even better. The music is more refined and dynamic this time around. Shades of Saturnus and Katatonia still loom, but the band has taken strides in forging their own identity. A great one to lose yourself in. Favorite track: In Memory Of The Truth.
Bruce thumbnail
Bruce Just a beautifully crafted collection of doomy 'mood metal.' Exudes a grim, foreboding atmosphere in the vein of early Paradise Lost. Favorite track: Allergic Sun.
Michael K. thumbnail
Michael K. Russian Doom Death in the vein of SWALLOW THE SUN and all that kind of bands. Pretty great! Favorite track: In Memory Of The Truth.

Wine From Tears ‎– Glad To Be Dead
BadMoodMan Music ‎– BMM. 061-13
CD, Album
17 Jun 2013
Doom Metal, Gothic Metal, Death Metal
Tracklist Hide Credits
1 For Those Who Died Asleep 2:04
2 Allergic Sun 6:30
3 What Are You Waiting For? 7:02
4 In Memory Of The Truth 7:21
5 Let Me In 6:45
6 Like A Fallen Leaf 7:07
7 The Light At The End Of The World 10:29
8 Silence No More
Voice – Elle Fatihova*

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