<< FLAC Cohen Braithwaite-Kilcoyne - 2021 - Rakes & Misfits
Cohen Braithwaite-Kilcoyne - 2021 - Rakes & Misfits
Category Sound
Date 3 years, 2 months
Size 345.38 MB
Spotted with Spotnet
Website SexBook
Sender Mac (ZvCMA)
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Post Description

Rakes and Misfits is suitably chosen as a title for this collection, many of the songs are about outcasts and people on the fringes. It’s Cohen’s second solo album, and things have moved on from his acclaimed debut, Outway Songster  in 2016. This follow-up features more self-penned songs and tunes, plus a commanding self-assurance.

The New Barbary kicks off the album like a jab in the ribs, and the energy and skill doesn’t stop until the closing notes of From Marble Arch to Leicester Square. You can imagine the steam coming off his melodeons and concertinas at the end of the session. That’s not to say there isn’t light and shade. The pairing of the tunes, Female Rake/The Drunken Drummer is taken at a pace, while Worcester Farewell is lilting and intimate.

And there’s light relief in songs like The Dancing Tailor, the concertina accompaniment adding a suitably comedic parping to this tale of a tailor losing his britches (and a lot more besides). And it’s also heartwarming to see a nod to multi-instrumentalist with Fairport Convention (and much, much more besides), the greatly-missed Maartin Allcock on the second tune of the medley, The Grumpy Old Man/Maart’s Fancy.

The playing throughout will make your eyes water and the singing is always fervent and true. This is an album for concertina-lovers everywhere. And for all those who don’t yet revere the squeezebox in all its glorious forms, this might well make a few converts. Welcome to hell, rakes and misfits everywhere.

01 New Barbary
02 The Jolly Highwayman
03 Female Rake - The Drunken Drummer
04 The New Deserter
05 Strawberry Lane
06 The Dancing Tailor
07 The Grumpy Old Man - Maart's Fancy
08 Tom King
09 Broken Down Gentleman
10 Countryman in Birmingham
11 Worcester Farewell
12 From Marble Arch to Leicester Square

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