<< MP3 Hades - The Dawn of the Dying Sun (1997)
Hades - The Dawn of the Dying Sun (1997)
Category Sound
Date 6 years, 3 months
Size 217.94 MB
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Website SexBook
Sender Truman (ZoITA)
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Post Description

The creation of a unique form of music is a feat which every band should be proud of. It is for exactly this reason that HADES ALMIGHTY ,formed by Jorn (guitar) and Remi (drums) in 1992, have every right to hold their heads high as perpetrators of pounding, atmospheric, epic, black metal which has yet to find comparison in this genre.
The line up was completed by Janto (bass and vocals) and Nagel (guitar) in 1993 and the band commenced work on their first demo, &#x93;Alone Walkyng&#x94;. Shortly after the release of &#x93;Alone Walkyng&#x94; on Wounded Love Records the band signed to Full Moon Productions. Stig then replaced Nagel on guitar and HADES ALMIGHTY released their first album, &#x93;Again Shall Be&#x94; on which they refined their style immensely thus showing that this band would be a force to be reckoned with among their counterparts. Things went quiet in the HADES ALMIGHTY camp after that and it was more than two years before their second masterpiece &#x93;Dawn Of The Dying Sun&#x94; was finally released. The highly acclaimed album was supported by a large scale promotional tour through Europe and also led to the band crossing the water and playing several very successful shows in the USA and Mexico.

At this point in their career it was time for another change and 1998 saw the band busily attending to new agreements, intensive rehearsals , the name alteration (from Hades to Hades Almighty) and the envied opportunity to play at the renowned Wacken Open Air in Germany that summer. In September 1998 the band entered the Prolog Studio in Dortmund (Germany) to record a very dark and ominous album,&#x94;Millenium Nocturne&#x94; which was then released, under license from Nuclear Blast, by Hammerheart Records. It was as a follow up to this release that the band toured intensively and crowds throughout Europe witnessed their atmospheric malevolence on a Benelux tour with Mayhem and Primordial and later a joint rampage with Immortal and Benediction.

Since then the band have been working relentlessly on new song material which they now unleash upon unsuspecting audiences worldwide via Psycho Bitch Records. With the new material the band members show themselves from a slightly different angle in which their ability to skillfully convey the true darkness of human passion becomes more pronounced than ever before and yet they remain exactly what they always were and shall always be &#x96; HADES ALMIGHTY.

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charl69 | C0BAyg op vrijdag 15 juni 2018 | 14:46
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