Post Description
The series begins with a young monkey-tailed boy named Goku befriending a teenage girl named Bulma. Together, they go on an adventure to find the seven mystical Dragon Balls (ドラゴンボール), which have the ability to summon the powerful dragon Shenron, who can grant whomever summons him their greatest desire. The journey leads to a confrontation with the shape-shifting pig Oolong, as well as a desert bandit named Yamcha and his companion Pu'ar, who all later become allies; Chi-Chi, whom Goku unknowingly agrees to marry; and Emperor Pilaf, a blue-skinned imp who seeks the Dragon Balls to fulfill his desire of becoming ruler of the world. Oolong stops Pilaf from using the Dragon Balls by wishing for a pair of panties.
Deze post bevat enkel de NZBs voor de seizoenen.
Resolutie - 480p
Bron - Torrents
Ondertiteling - Engels
Audio - Japans & Engels
Gewicht - 9,15 GB
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