<< FLAC Lotta St Joan - 2021 - Hands
Lotta St Joan - 2021 - Hands
Category Sound
Date 3 years, 2 months
Size 184.41 MB
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Post Description

“From here on truth”, Lotta St Joan promises in the opening track Stay Home Child, reeling the listener in with her warm, deep voice that resonates with the heartfelt wisdom of the folk queens that came before her. Her debut album ‘Hands’ is doused in sweetness and coated in charm. It’s the reflective album that you hope will soothe you on a dark winter night until you realise you’re bawling your eyes out instead.

The Berlin-based singer-songwriter recorded the album at home, playing most of the instruments by herself in the middle of the night, taking advantage of the temporary silence outside. It wouldn’t have been possible to preserve the warmth of these songs had they been recorded in a professional studio – the hiss, the room tone, and Lotta’s whispers all add to the feeling that she has just walked into your bedroom to read you her diary.

Her conversational inflections draw attention to her most vulnerable lyrics. “All those hands/ still warm on my bare skin/ I wonder/ are they ever gonna leave me again?” she asks in a hushed tone in Hands. In Oh Boy, the fingerpicked guitar swirls around the thick vocals and the understated lyrics: “It’s late in fall/ And I’ve done nothing/ but think of me/ All summer long”. But after the first few songs, the songs grow increasingly more disturbing.

01 Stay Home Child
02 Hands
03 Oh Boy
04 Faces
05 Mirrors
06 Those Arms
07 Unfiltered
08 Flowers

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