<< WIN Stormhill Mystery - Family Shadows Developers Edition
Stormhill Mystery - Family Shadows Developers Edition
Category Games
Date 5 years, 7 months
Size 951.6 MB
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Post Description

Stormhill Mystery: Family Shadows is a fantastic casual puzzle adventure game. This is an excellent family story with a paranormal twist!
Your family's past is more interesting than any story. And it's not over yet...
One of my father's stories was my favourite: Once upon a time there lived a merchant with his wife. The family was happy and had never known grief. However, their maid, Julianne, was jealous of the little family's happiness and secretly dreamed of taking the place of a beloved wife. She learned of unholy powers hidden deep within the manor that could be summoned by a ritual… although there was a cost. She cursed the merchant's wife, unleashed deadly powers. The merchant vows to devote the rest of his life to finding a way to release his beloved wife from her cursed world. Years have passed. My father dies, but he leaves me a message: Your favourite fairy tale was the true story of our family. I tried to free your mother's spirit, but I failed. I beg you to finish what I could not. The solution is waiting in our old family home.

The Collector's Edition Includes:
•  Bonus content
•  Complete your family's story
•  It looks like a HOG and it plays like a HOG, but it ain't one
•  Discover morphing objects as you play
•  Haunted atmosphere
•  Open world locations to explore
•  Eerie encounters and mystery
•  Pure puzzle adventure gameplay

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