<< FLAC Rhapsodies - Symphony of the Air - Stokowski
Rhapsodies - Symphony of the Air - Stokowski
Category Sound
Date 5 years, 6 months
Size 3.45 GB
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Rhapsodies - Symphony of the Air - Stokowski

A splendid example of Stokowski's art. Here is Stokowski conducting repetoire he does best! Stokowski's arrangement of Lizt's famous Rhapsody is the most exciting on record. He plays, stretches and bends the rhythms with exciting imagination! Purists beware! The Rhomanian Rhapsody by Enescu is also and exciting achievement. After hearing Stokowski, it's hard to hear any one else. Then comes the highlights! The Wagner excerpts. This Tanhauser is filled with the most passion and emotion I've ever heard. Compare it for yourself with Karajan. Positvely dull in comparison! The orchestra he conducts his called the Symphonyof the Air, but it is in fact, the old NBC Symphony Orchestra, retitled after Toscanini's death. If you stretch your imagination, this is what NBC would have sounded with Stokowski at the helm. If you are so inclined, Cala has released Stokowski's recordings from the 1940's with the NBC, buy them and hear how different Toscanini's orchestra is under Stokowski. It makes for a fascinating comparison. Excellent cd to start if you are new to Stokowski!

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