<< FLAC Young Gun Silver Fox - AM Waves
Young Gun Silver Fox - AM Waves
Category Sound
Date 6 years, 1 month
Size 295.49 MB
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Post Description

Young Gun Silver Fox are the captains of AM Waves, setting sail towards an isle where melodies soak the shoreline 
and grooves sway like palm trees. Their route traces a natural progression from West End Coast, an album that
cast Andy Platts (Young Gun) and Shawn Lee (Silver Fox) as musical virtuosos of SoCal-infused pop. AM Waves
does more than duplicate the perfection of West End Coast. It improves it. Recorded at The Shop in London and
Roffey Hall in the English countryside, AM Waves burnishes the blend between the duo's modern aesthetic and
their sumptuously crafted homage to '70s-styled pop, rock, and soul.

"This music hits a certain spot for me personally that nothing else quite does," says Shawn, who produced the album
amidst his projects for Saint Etienne, Shawn Lee's Ping Pong Orchestra, and several other acts. "It's real high-caliber
music. It's easy and breezy to listen to but it's really hard to make. Every aspect is A game." The A game behind
AM Waves fuels 43 minutes of Young Gun Silver Fox in peak form. "AM Waves is much more instinctive," says Andy,
whose penchant for writing irresistible hooks and melodies also shapes his role as lead singer and lyricist/composer for
the band Mamas Gun. "It's more vivid. You can see the clarity to the colors of AM Waves whereas West End Coast is slightly
more impressionist, as it were." Originally issued as a single in September 2017, "Midnight in Richmond" is the anchor of
AM Waves. "I hit one chord, which I'd never played before, and the song sort of wrote itself," notes Shawn. "It was intuitive.
In many ways, the primary function of what I'm doing is trying to find that chord that opens a door and takes you someplace
else. Those chords have magic." Andy embellishes the song's appeal by nimbly juxtaposing wistful emotions with a
sun-kissed melody, his voice evoking richly drawn memories. The qualities that make "Midnight in Richmond" an instant
classic abound throughout the album.


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