<< FLAC Instrumental Gold Collection - World's Best Hits Volume 4
Instrumental Gold Collection - World's Best Hits Volume 4
Category Sound
Date 3 years, 3 months
Size 1.02 GB
Spotted with Spotnet
Website SexBook
Sender TarkusTWS (zBjc6A)
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Post Description


01 - Fausto Papetti - Strangers In The Night
02 - Ricky King - Lotos Blume
03 - Nicholas Gunn - Earth Story
04 - Frank Duval - Me To You
05 - Ocarina - Lonely Singer
06 - Saint-Preux - Entre Le Reve Et L'Oubli
07 - James Last - Paradiso
08 - Space - Balad For Space Lovers
09 - Richard Clauderman - Do You Know
10 - Santana - Luz Amor Y Vida
11 - Keiko Matsui - Flowers Of The Sea
12 - Paul Mauriat - Brazilia Carnaval
13 - Cusco - Saturn
14 - Hugo Strasser - Pariser Tango
15 - The Shadows - The Lute Number
16 - Jean-Michel Jarre - Oxygene Part II
17 - Eddy Calvert - Lonelyness
18 - Francisco Garcia - Woman In Love
19 - Karunesh - Sweet Dreams
20 - Rainbow - Snowman
21 - Kenny G - My Heart Will Go On
22 - The Ventures - Trambone
23 - Paul Mauriat - Mamy Blue
24 - Mark Snow - The X-Files (main title)


01 - Helmut Zacharias - La Vie En Rose
02 - Paul Mauriat - Penelope
03 - Francis Goya - Try a Little Tenderness
04 - George Saxon - Only You
05 - Azil Y Negro - Isadora
06 - Ricky King -Brazilia
07 - Damian Luca - Unchained Melody
08 - The Shadows - Riders In The Sky
09 - Pedro Alvarez - Ole Guapa
10 - Keiko Matsui - Bonfire In The Piano
11 - Ocarina - Bag Pipe Reggae
12 - Space - Blue Tears
13 - The Intimate Orchestra - Sadeness (Part 1)
14 - Jean-Michel Jarre - Band In The Train
15 - The Ventures - Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head
16 - Dancing Fantasy - Midnight Blur
17 - Dave Brubeck - Sobre Las Olas
18 - Jeff Wayne - The Eve Of The War
19 - Jerry Mulligan - The Shadow Of The Smile
20 - Darras & Leroux - Boderline
21 - Nino Rota - Romeo & Juliet
22 - Space - Running In The City
23 - Jan Holland - The Last Waltz

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