<< FLAC Renée Reed - 2021 - Renée Reed
Renée Reed - 2021 - Renée Reed
Category Sound
Date 3 years, 2 months
Size 208.19 MB
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Post Description

Steeped in Acadian musical heritage, the Louisiana songwriter’s sketchy four-track recordings and odd, dreamy storytelling evoke the likes of Jessica Pratt or Elliott Smith.

Renée Reed grew up in Lafayette, Louisiana, the daughter of Cajun one-stop shop owners who hosted regular jam sessions. Music and folklore surrounded her: Her great-uncle, Revon J. Reed, was a sort of Cajun Alan Lomax, a folklorist who recorded the traditional songs that make up the region’s cultural history. Her grandfather was Harry Trahan, a local accordion legend who wheezed out zydeco at neighborhood events for nearly his entire life. Her family has ties to Mamou, a small rice farming town about three hours west of New Orleans, where residents celebrate an annual ritual called Courir de Mardi Gras, in which the men of the town dress up in colorful rags and pointed caps and ride horses from house to house, chasing chickens and collecting ingredients for gumbo.

The closest Reed comes to revealing herself is on the final track, “Drunken Widow’s Waltz.” It’s in French again, but this time, it’s the Cajun variety, the language of her grandparents and of kitchen jam sessions and front-porch family concerts. The drum track ticks out an unsteady waltz time, the guitar oom-pahs, a fiddle scratches, and Reed opens up her throat. She sounds joyful and uninhibited, lost in the pure pleasure of her singing, now that she’s certain no outsider can understand.

01 Out Loud
02 I Saw a Ghost
03 Little Flower Dance
04 Fast One
05 Neboj
06 Où est la fée
07 Until Tomorrow
08 Your Seventh Moon
09 The Ash
10 Fool to the Fire
11 If Only We Could
12 Drunken Widow's Waltz

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